Return for specific args

Return values can be configured for different combinations of arguments passed to calls using argument matchers. This topic is covered in more detail in the Argument matchers entry, but the following examples show the general idea.

//Return when first arg is anything and second arg is 5:
calculator.Add(Arg.Any<int>(), 5).Returns(10);
Assert.AreEqual(10, calculator.Add(123, 5));
Assert.AreEqual(10, calculator.Add(-9, 5));
Assert.AreNotEqual(10, calculator.Add(-9, -9));

//Return when first arg is 1 and second arg less than 0:
calculator.Add(1, Arg.Is<int>(x => x < 0)).Returns(345);
Assert.AreEqual(345, calculator.Add(1, -2));
Assert.AreNotEqual(345, calculator.Add(1, 2));

//Return when both args equal to 0:
calculator.Add(Arg.Is(0), Arg.Is(0)).Returns(99);
Assert.AreEqual(99, calculator.Add(0, 0));
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