Partial subs and test spies

Partial substitutes allow us to create an object that acts like a real instance of a class, and selectively substitute for specific parts of that object. This is useful for when we need a substitute to have real behaviour except for a single method that we want to replace, or when we just want to spy on what calls are being made.

WARNING: Partial substitutes will be calling your class’ real code by default, so if you are not careful it is possible for this code to run even while you are configuring specific methods to be substituted! For this reason partial substitutes are not generally recommended, so avoid them where possible (especially if your code deletes files, contacts payment gateways, or initiates underground lair self-destruct routines). In some cases they can be quite handy though; just be sure to handle with care.

Replacing a single method

In this example we want to test the Read() method logic without running ReadFile().

public class SummingReader {
  public virtual int Read(string path) {
    var s = ReadFile(path);
    return s.Split(',').Select(int.Parse).Sum();
  public virtual string ReadFile(string path) { return "the result of reading the file here"; }

By default ReadFile may access a file on the file system, but we can Substitute.ForPartsOf<SummingReader>() and override ReadFile to return a substitute value, rather than loading data from a real file, using Returns:

public void ShouldSumAllNumbersInFile() {
  var reader = Substitute.ForPartsOf<SummingReader>();
  reader.Configure().ReadFile("foo.txt").Returns("1,2,3,4,5"); // CAUTION: real code warning!

  var result = reader.Read("foo.txt");

  Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(15));

Now the real Read method will execute, but ReadFile will return our substituted value instead of calling the original method, so we can run the test without having to worry about a real file system.

Note the CAUTION comment. If we had not used Configure() here before .ReadFile() then the real ReadFile method would have executed before we had a chance to override the behaviour (reader.ReadFile("foo.txt") returns first before .Returns(...) executes). In some cases this may not be a problem, but if in doubt make sure you call Configure() first so NSubstitute knows you are configuring a call and don’t want to run any real code. (This still does not guarantee real code will not run – remember, NSubstitute will not prevent non-virtual calls from executing.)

The Configure() method is only available in NSubstitute 4.0 and above. For verisons prior to 4.0 we need to use When .. DoNotCallBase described below.

Void methods and DoNotCallBase

We can’t use .Returns() with void methods, but we can stop a void method on a partial substitute from calling the real method using When .. DoNotCallBase. (This also works for non-void methods, although generally we use Configure() and Returns() to override the base behaviour in these cases.)

public class EmailServer {
  public virtual void Send(string to, string from, string message) {
    // Insert real email sending code here
    throw new NotImplementedException();

  public virtual void SendMultiple(IEnumerable<string> recipients, string from, string message) {
    foreach (var recipient in recipients) {
        Send(recipient, from, message);

public void ShouldSendMultipleEmails() {
  var server = Substitute.ForPartsOf<EmailServer>();
  server.WhenForAnyArgs(x => x.Send(default, default, default)).DoNotCallBase(); // Make sure Send won't call real implementation

    new [] { "alice", "bob", "charlie" },
    "Partial subs should be used with caution."); // This won't run the real Send now, thanks to DoNotCallBase().

  server.Received().Send("alice", "nsubstitute", Arg.Any<string>());
  server.Received().Send("bob", "nsubstitute", Arg.Any<string>());
  server.Received().Send("charlie", "nsubstitute", Arg.Any<string>());

Test spies

Even without substituting for specific parts of a class, the instance returned by Substitute.ForPartsOf<T> records all calls made to virtual members, so we can check Received() calls made to any partial substitute.

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