How NSubstitute works

When we substitute for a class or interface, NSubstitute uses the wonderful Castle DynamicProxy library to generate a new class that inherits from that class or implements that interface. This allows us to use that substitute in place of the original type.

You can think of it working a bit like this:

public class Original {
    public virtual int DoStuffWith(string s) => s.Length;

// Now if we do:
//      var sub = Substitute.For<Original>();
// This is a bit like doing:
public class SubstituteForOriginal : Original {
    public override int DoStuffWith(string s) {
        // Tell NSubstitute to record the call, run actions etc,
        // then return the value configured for this call.
        return configured_value_for_call();
Original sub = new SubstituteForOriginal();

Calamities with classes

For the case when Original is an interface this works perfectly; every member in the interface will be intercepted by NSubstitute’s logic for recording calls and returning configured values.

There are some caveats when Original is a class though (hence all the warnings about them in the documentation).

Non-virtual members

If DoStuffWith(string s) is not virtual, the SubstituteForOriginal class will not be able to override it, so when it is called NSubstitute will not know about it. It is effectively invisible to NSubstitute; it can’t record calls to it, it can’t configure values using Returns, it can’t run actions via When..Do, it can’t verify the call was received. Instead, the real base implementation of the member will run.

This can cause all sorts of problems if we accidentally attempt to configure a non-virtual call, because NSubstitute will get confused about which call you’re talking about. Usually this will result in a run-time error, but in the worst case it can affect the outcome of your test, or even the following test in the suite, in non-obvious ways. Thankfully we have NSubstitute.Analyzers to detect these cases at compile time.

Internal members and types

Similar limitations apply to internal members and types. Because SubstituteForOriginal gets generated in a separate assembly, they are invisible to NSubstitute and your test-assembly by default. There are two ways to solve this:

The first possibility is to change the visibility of the member or type that shall be substituted. If you change the visibility of members to protected internal, they get visible for types that derive from it. The visibility of internal types must be set to public. However, keep in mind that changing visibilities should be well considered. The next alternative has less side effects on the maintainability of your project.

The second possibility is to make the internal members and types visible to your test-assembly and to the library that NSubstitute uses under the hood. For this you need to allow specific assemblies to accesss the internals. You can do this by either adding an attribute to the assembly that contains the internals or add an annotation to your project file.

Option 1. Use an assembly attribute

Add the following code to an arbitrary .cs-file of the project that contains the internal types.

[assembly: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InternalsVisibleTo("DynamicProxyGenAssembly2")]
[assembly: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InternalsVisibleTo("name of the assembly that contains your tests")]

Option 2. Use a tag in the project file (works with .NET 5 and above)

Add an ItemGroup that contains the InternalsVisibleTo-element beneath the Project-element in your .csproj-file.

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
    <InternalsVisibleTo Include="DynamicProxyGenAssembly2" />
    <InternalsVisibleTo Include="name of the assembly that contains your tests" />

Remember that if members are non-virtual, NSubstitute will not be able to intercept it regardless of whether it is internal or InternalsVisibleTo has been added.

The good news is that NSubstitute.Analyzers will also detect attempts to use internal members at compile time, and will suggest fixes for these cases.

Real code

The final thing to notice here is that there is the potential for real logic from the Original class to execute. We’ve already seen how this is possible for non-virtual members, but it can also happen if Original has code in its constructor. If the constructor calls FileSystem.DeleteAllMyStuff(), then constructing SubstituteForOriginal will also run this when the base constructor gets called.

Class conclusion

  • Be careful substituting for classes!
  • Where possible use interfaces instead.
  • Remember NSubstitute works by inheriting from (or implementing) your original type. If you can’t override a member by manually writing a sub-class, then NSubstitute won’t be able to either!
  • Install NSubstitute.Analyzers where ever you install NSubstitute. This will help you avoid these (and other) pitfalls.
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